Great Lakes Buoy Conditions

Air Temperature Water Temperature Wind Direction @ Speed Wind Gust Speed Barometer Barometer Trend Wave Height Wave Dominant Period
ID | Name | Time EST |
Air °F |
Water °F |
Wind mph |
Gust mph |
Baro in |
Trend in |
Waves ft |
Period Sec |
GSLM4 | Gravelly Shoals Light | No recent reports. | ||||||||
THLO1 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
APNM4 | Alpena Harbor Light | No recent reports. | ||||||||
THRO1 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
MRHO1 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
BRFN6 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
FTGM4 | Fort Gratiot | No recent reports. | ||||||||
OSGN6 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
HRBM4 | Harbor Beach | No recent reports. | ||||||||
DTLM4 | DeTour Village | No recent reports. | ||||||||
RCKM4 | Rock Cut Michigan | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45159 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
45160 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
45012 | Lake Ontario Buoy | No recent reports. | ||||||||
LSCM4 | Lake St Clair, MI | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45147 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
SBIO1 | South Bass Island, OH | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45005 | West Lake Erie | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45132 | Port Stanley | No recent reports. | ||||||||
DBLN6 | Dunkirk, NY | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45142 | Port Colborne | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45139 | West Lake Ontario | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45135 | Prince Edward Pt | No recent reports. | ||||||||
ABAN6 | Alexandria Bay, NY | No recent reports. | ||||||||
THIN6 | Thousand I. Brdg., NY | No recent reports. | ||||||||
SUPN6 | Superior Shoals, NY | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45151 | Lake Simcoe | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45149 | Southern Lake Huron | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45008 | S. Huron- Oscoda | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45143 | South Georgian Bay | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45137 | Georgian Bay | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45003 | N. Huron- Alpena | No recent reports. | ||||||||
45152 | No recent reports. | |||||||||
45154 | North Channel East | No recent reports. |
The PHP script to display this buoy data compliments of Ken True from
The data being displayed compliments of NOAA’s National Data Buoy Center.